Questions to Ask an Addiction Treatment Center
Choosing an addiction treatment center is an important decision - perhaps one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. It is also a major commitment. As a result, it is understandable that you may have many considerations and concerns to take into account.
To be able to make the right decision, there are some questions that you might have to ask. By so doing, you will be in a better position to ensure that you choose the right addiction treatment center. Here are some questions that you should consider asking:
Can I Quit Alone?
It is recommended that you have professional help when you try to recover from substance abuse and addiction. Rehab programs and medically supervised detox services can all reduce the painful symptoms of withdrawal and drug cravings that you will experience when you first stop taking your favorite substances of abuse. This is particularly true if you have been abusing drugs like heroin.
In fact, research studies have reported that trying to overcome your addiction without any medical assistance could turn out to be lethal or fatal. The important thing to keep in mind is that it will take more than willpower and desire to battle your addiction. The support that you will receive through an addiction treatment program can increase your odds of long term recovery while also reducing the risk that you will suffer a relapse.
Do I Need Addiction Treatment?
If you find yourself asking this question, it might already be the time for you to consider seeking help for your substance abuse. Although you might believe that you have to hit rock bottom - such as lose your family and friends or source of income - to be a ripe candidate for addiction treatment, this is not the case.
In fact, it is recommended that you get help for your drug and alcohol use before it has wrecked your life and ruined the outcomes of your loved ones. The best time to seek treatment is as soon as you realize that you have a substance related problem.
How Long Does Addiction Treatment Take?
The duration of the rehabilitation program will largely depend on different factors - including the center you choose, the duration and severity of your addiction, your financial capabilities, and the nature of your substance use disorder.
Although there are different options available, the most common include the 90 day, the 60 day, and the 30-day program. It is also possible to find extended care programs to guide you towards longer term recovery.
That said, research studies report that the longer and more severe your substance use disorder, the longer you will have to spend in a treatment program. This is particular true if you need detox before you get started on the recovery journey.
What Payment Options Are Accepted?
The cost of addiction treatment is one of the main deterrents for many of the people seeking rehabilitation services. Luckily, there are several options available today. The cost of treatment, on the other hand, will vary widely based on the kind of help that you need. Even so, it is important to keep in mind that there are also several sources of financing and funding available today.
Depending on the circumstances in which you find yourself, private funding, private financing, not for profit treatment center sponsorships, government programs, and insurance can all help you afford the cost of rehabilitation services. You might also be able to consider selling your personal items to offset the cost of care.
There are also federal programs available that can help you pay for the addiction treatment and rehabilitation services that you need to get started on the road to recovery. Examples of these programs include Medicare, Tricare, and Medicaid - among other programs falling under the Affordable Care Act - the ACA.
What Should I Bring to the Treatment Center?
Every addiction treatment center will have its own list of the items that they permit and prohibit. To this end, it is recommended that you get in touch with the personnel working at the center so that you can learn more about what you will be able to bring in or leave at home.
Most of these centers will provide some basics, such as beverages, snacks, three daily meals, and bed linen. However, they may also prohibit some common items - including but not limited to alcohol and drugs and electronic devices such as personal computers and cell phones.
You might also not be able to bring weapons, cosmetic products that contain alcohol, aerosol products, and inappropriate clothing - such as t-shirts that depict substance abuse and offensive language.
Additionally, the center might prohibit any reading materials, card games, video games, recording devices, tapes, CDs, and movies that are not related to addiction treatment, recovery, and self-help.
Where Should I Go for Rehab?
There are many addiction treatment and rehabilitation centers both in your local area as well as in the rest of the United States and they can all get you started on the road to long term recovery and wellness.
Even so, there are some instances where leaving your environment and comfort zone can provide you with the change that you need to help you overcome your substance abuse and addiction.
Although local treatment facilities can also provide you with amazing help in your recovery journey, taking the time to travel might ensure that you are able to gain more from the treatment experience in some instances.
In other instances, you might be better off seeking help for your addiction closer home. This is because you will be closer to your family and friends - and the other people that form part of your support system.
Getting Help
As long as you have notice that you have a substance abuse problem, it is necessary that you consider enrolling in an addiction treatment program. Even if you just suspect that you have such a problem, simply going for a short assessment and evaluation could help you understand whether you need treatment services.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the sooner you get help for this problem, the easier it will be for you to overcome your substance abuse issues before they get out of hand.
We can help you find the right treatment facility that best fits your overall needs and financial requirements.
Drug Rehab Centers by State
Select a State:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
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- Georgia
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- Kansas
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- Louisiana
- Maine
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- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming